It is no wonder that residents here react as if waking from a grotesque dream.
Bogotá residents reacted Friday by leaving work in the middle of the day.
Using this approach, undercover officers have been sent into areas where innocent residents often reacted out of fear for their lives.
Some residents reacted to the Court's decision with fear, threatening to pack up and move out.
Many residents of Colorado have reacted bitterly to the boycott.
Officials say that despite repeated warnings about the dangers of radon, residents have reacted slowly.
Corporate leaders, residents and out-of-towners reacted enthusiastically today to a plan to build a $300 million cultural complex in the center of the city.
In each case, residents have reacted angrily to large projects that break old patterns.
The residents react with outrage and stage a rally where issues of the magazine are burned.
Montgomery's farm-town character, however, was felt more today in the way residents reacted to the disaster.