With the growth of the outer suburbs, their residents resented paying a tax which had very little direct benefit for them.
Some residents still resent the conversion of a 16th-century monastery into a luxury hotel.
Many residents resent the heavy police presence they say is desperately needed in the wards.
However, residents on adjacent through roads may resent the potential traffic increase and delay the process.
Many white residents deeply resented the outsiders and attempts to change their society.
Longtime residents resent what they see as the misconceptions about their neighborhood.
Many residents resented being moved and were unhappy within their new homes.
The residents resent a decision that they say was imposed on them by Dublin, hundreds of miles away.
As expected, some local residents, particularly Democrats, resent the $60 million complex, and offer their own suggestions of what this community needs.
But some residents resent having their neighborhood turned into a retail battlefield.