Even though the strike was intended to continue until Friday, many shops opened today and residents searched for provisions in expectation of hard times ahead.
The worker said residents of the building had been searching for the boy for about half an hour before he was found.
As rescuers hacked at the rubble, looking for survivors, residents were out on the streets searching for water, for food, and for fuel.
This allows the student body and local residents to search over millions of books, videos, and other archives.
Pigs roamed the streets and residents searched for family members among the bodies, which lay wrapped in mats or covered with banana leaves.
Each state maintains a Web site where residents can search for unclaimed property.
Officials in the hard-hit town of Pakokku believed that the death toll would exceed 300 as residents searched for missing relatives days after the floods.
Without money, governments cannot run buses so that residents without cars can search for jobs and go to work.
For two days, residents searched the woods, gardens and basements for prisoners, shot them and beat them to death.