It has also seen many transitions since it first quartered British soldiers in 1758, when the local residents no longer wished to house them.
Moreover, many residents do not wish to leave the area, despite the risk of flooding.
What We'd Change Some residents wish there was a better supermarket in the neighborhood.
Some local residents wish to see the place restored, while others want it razed and turned into a park.
However, residents wished to see the bridge repaired, and they successfully convinced the road commission to not seek replacement.
This was not met without resistance; many residents wished to stay in place.
Foreign residents may wish to inquire into similar schemes.
Many residents own shares in the company and thus wish it - or at least its stock price - well.
Local residents and others wish to preserve it as a historical monument.
There was no bell to ring, perhaps a strong hint that the resident did not wish to be disturbed by outsiders.