The medical city is surrounded by education facilities, five million square feet of commercial and retail space, and a mix of residential options.
All these things have made downtown/midtown an attractive residential option, more so than in the past.
UC Irvine has a number of residential options for students interested in living on campus.
MANY industry professionals say Harrison can succeed as a low-cost residential option.
A residential campus, it offers several different kinds of residential options.
Recently the neighborhood has benefited from a revival in demand for affordable, centrally located residential options.
Retail display systems also reached the market this year as residential options.
They provide afterschool outpatient programs for adolescents as well as residential and outpatient options for adults.
While, in a significant sense, they are less segregated than poor blacks, race still powerfully shapes their residential options.
Various other residential options and amenities are available now or under construction.