If there is any residual anger towards your ex it is likely to be hurting you more than him.
Kirk was bursting with questions and residual anger, but he recognized the need to have clothing that wasn't ripped to shreds.
Still, for many Jews, all this was too little too late, and the residual anger at the church has burst forth in the last few days.
Soomey stared back, hiding the residual anger, doing her best to look as if she had his welfare at heart.
There was residual anger enough to trouble him as he questioned his neighbors.
He shaved and packed his ha& surprised at the strength of his residual anger.
"I think if there was residual anger for me and the position I took on housing, I would not have come through."
He still has a lot of residual anger.
America's residual anger over Vietnam almost certainly colored the movies that followed.
In fact, both fell victim to the residual anger and were ultimately dismissed.