However the Tellarite engineer had managed to shut down the field, there wasn't even a residual static charge left.
Some mineral deposit must have had a residual charge still stored, just on the threshold of eruption.
Minerals that still carry a substantial residual charge of energy from our attacks on the asteroid.
This 'residual charge' can be a hazard if you are careless when opening the packaging for the first time.
He gave it a shake to randomize any residual charge, and turned on his stylus.
They discussed the details of how it's done, much in the way you explained using trace levels of residual magnetic charge.
I am operating on residual charge from my hull-plate grid.
Slowly, slowly, it seemed to be fading, like a residual charge from a machine that had been turned off.
I'd still be able to pick up some residual charge somewhere.
In practice, even a small residual charge on any sector is enough to start the process going once the discs start to rotate.