When the spent first and second stages impact downrange, Russia must pay for clean-up of the residual fuel.
One attractive option would be to use these residual fuels to produce power and steam, leaving behind the issue of emissions to be addressed.
It operated for 9,700 hours using residual fuel for 7,000 hours.
As prices rose, utilities and manufacturers that could switch to burning cheaper residual fuel and diesel did so.
This is from residual fuel and insulation in the motor casing, outgassing even without significant combustion.
The blast signatures suggested small matter-antimatter explosions: either residual fuel, or pinhead-sized warheads.
Cetane numbers are tested using a special test engine and the existing engine was not made for residual fuels.
This caused significant damage and fire from the drone's residual fuel, which also killed a civilian instructor aboard this ship.
The rest is used for distillate fuel oil, jet fuel, residual fuel and other oils.
The rest of the barrel is jet fuel, petrochemical stocks and the residual fuel used by utilities.