Because of this, for high-performance analysis, the path from tube to sample to detector is maintained under vacuum (around 10 Pa residual pressure).
And there was a bit of residual pressure in her head, as if that tongue's hard tipping had left things sore; yes, it had been a bad moment.
The residual pressure in the bore must be released symmetrically, so that no side of the bullet receives any more or less push than the rest.
This would explain the much lower residual pressures.
This residual pressure must be relieved, and if it is done so by external bleed-off, the fuel must be safely contained.
Due to the residual pressure, the incision will often widen substantially.
Consequently, on reaching the surface they have a comparatively low residual pressure and explosive activity is very limited.
Thus, boiling points do not depend on the residual pressure.
Anything under twenty meant that nobody would notice anything remiss in the fog cooling system, because residual pressure would' maintain the fogging stream.
If the rip was small, less than a quarter-inch in diameter, residual pressure would give the astronaut time to get back into the shuttle.