The residual strength of a wetted paper can be less than 10% of the original strength.
With his legendary residual strength, Maidenshore took Angus by the upper arm and crammed him into the side of the shuttle in question.
All the weak parts had been long ago hammered out of her, leaving the residual strength deep in her bones upon which he dared depend.
His expertise also included seepage, residual strength and pore pressure measurement and its interpretation.
Recent studies performed on a high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete in a bridge deck found that adding fibers provided residual strength and controlled cracking.
When he stood, Stantu embraced him, and Tristal felt the residual strength in his back and shoulders.
It won because of its residual strength in southern and eastern England, and also greater London, where most of the constituencies were located.
Nevertheless, the word has residual strength.
The residual strength of the Star is its commanding circulation lead in Ontario.
The transaction shows the residual strength of some of Japan's largest companies.