Republicans resisted additional cuts in education, Democrats in health and welfare spending.
But they can be expected to resist cuts in reimbursement rates to hospitals and nursing homes, which they traditionally have protected.
Officials said the city's five district attorneys were bitterly resisting proposed cuts to their agencies.
The Pentagon resists deeper cuts, saying there is no one in Moscow with authority to negotiate.
Yet he and Defense Secretary Cheney resist cuts in this area above all.
To deploy defenses, meanwhile, would surely lead Russia's military to resist deep cuts in its missile force.
The American economy has become highly dependent on military contracts, and local politicians almost automatically resist cuts that would affect their constituencies.
But the armed services have until now resisted deeper cuts and have been buoyed by big increases in military spending since Sept. 11.
The Assembly wisely resisted similar cuts proposed earlier this year and should do so again.
"I'll resist cuts that I believe will damage the quality of care that we provide," he said in the interview.