As the angle tilts from vertical, an increased area (the sloped cross-section) must resist gravity.
The body must resist gravity while moving in a direction, and balancing itself on uneven ground.
While resisting gravity during lengthening, the triceps brachii is still the prime mover, or controller, of the joint action.
One's diaphragm normally resisted gravity.
Electrons react with protons to form neutrons and thus no longer supply the necessary pressure to resist gravity, causing the star to collapse.
There's a cherry-red glow around the bottom of the spaceplane, and weight begins to return as the plane once again resists gravity rather than fides with it.
He resists gravity not by erecting tall spires but by lifting the urban horizon.
According to this logic, the dancer representing this paragon of beauty must resist gravity through technique and a lighter-than-air body.
There were mountains floating above a soft blue sea, resisting gravity, their undersides flat and smooth.
The reason is that it has muscles which work to resist gravity and other physical forces bearing upon the whole body.