The challenge is to resist letting such funds degenerate into protection of the last decade's losers.
In both novels, the characters strongly resist letting in the external world, whether it be the press, public opinion, the college "Visitor", or outside experts.
Which was one reason why Darkwind had continued to resist letting her lure him to her bed.
But now he was a cold old cat, and she couldn't resist letting him in.
And because many city parents never learn to swim, they sometimes resist letting their children try.
"The Prime Minister's cover story is strong and the Chakri won't resist letting police onto the base."
I could not resist letting flattery creep into my tone.
But they resist letting it speak with its own, or worse yet the devil's, voice.
Some tribes resist letting any outsiders even speak their language.
For once Nikki didn't resist letting a man guide her.