In a direct challenge to the authority of the central Board of Education, three community school boards are resisting the board's policy requiring elementary school children to wear uniforms by the fall of 1999.
It is important to mention that at that time Reba has already suspected that Rumata actively resists his policy for a long time.
Medical groups in several states have resisted Aetna's toughly enforced policy of requiring doctors to accept its lowest-paying H.M.O. patients or give up all Aetna patients.
He was apprehended that night and spent the next three years behind bars, trying unsuccessfully to win asylum on the ground he had been persecuted for resisting China's one-child policy.
Thoroughly disliking Prussia, he was in hearty accord with George in resisting the empire's aggressive policy.
Protesters are mostly students who resisted the government's policy to recognize mainland Chinese academic qualifications.
Tension between the two generals began in this period, as Dumas resisted Napoleon's policy of allowing French troops indiscriminately to expropriate local property.
Trott, along with his brother-in-law William Rhett, both had considerable support within colonial assembly and resisted Craven's policy of tolerance.
The calls by the Catholic hierarchy to resist Morales' policy against sectarian religious classes in state schools caused a dip in his popularity.