At this the children could not resist raising a cheer.
Laura couldn't resist raising an eyebrow at this new development.
The man who can resist raising identical twin girls hasn't been born.
His budget proposal resisted raising broad-based taxes, concentrating instead on smaller tax increases.
But the Council resisted raising residential real-estate taxes two years ago and is inclined to do so again, its leaders said yesterday.
At first, some Kerry campaign veterans resisted raising money through the Internet, several campaign officials said.
To remain competitive, employers are resisting raising the prices of their products, which also means they are reluctant to offer significantly higher wages.
"The only question is how long will the Bank of Japan be able to resist raising these very low interest rates."
The City Council resisted raising property taxes to balance this year's budget and ultimately raised them by less than the Mayor wanted.
When Mac glanced over for the third time, Quincy couldn't resist raising a hand in acknowledgment.