I was on my way out to the ranch, to change for the great occasion, but I couldn't resist stopping by to show you something.
Despite trying to remain objective, Charles eventually sends Sarah to Exeter, where he, during a journey, cannot resist stopping in to visit and see her.
LaMacchia was on his way somewhere else, but he could not resist stopping his car at Olmos Field to do what scouts do.
Few visitors during those years could resist stopping for a photograph of that attractive Queen's Truss bridge.
In spite of the urgency of her task, Marigoth could not resist stopping to gaze at these structures.
But his commuting route required him to change at Emigrants' Gap and he found himself unable to resist stopping to rubberneck.
But he can't resist stopping his car whenever he goes past a ball field.
For quite some time, people walking by Zeze, a flower shop at 398 East 52d Street in Manhattan, have not been able to resist stopping in.
On the way he could not resist stopping at the inn to report his adventure to the Hardings.
Finding Nat reading alone on the shady side of the wall, Ned could not resist stopping for a nibble at the forbidden subject.