The split vanes in a slurry pump must be thick enough to resist continuous wear.
The head is profiled to resist wear and to give a good ride, the foot is profiled to suit the fixing system.
These are designed to resist wear and tear and to produce better sound quality on big-ticket systems.
The full grain leather upper moulds to the foot for a good fit, whilst resisting wear and tear.
All components are made of chrome-plated or stainless steel to resist wear and corrosion.
Boron carbide is a popular material for nozzles because it resists abrasive wear well.
The process ensures that the colour adheres to the medal and resists day-to-day wear.
Some higher end recorders featured heads made from ferrite, which features excellent electro-acoustical properties while being a very hard material which resists wear.
These holes were inch (2.22 cm) diameter and were anodised to resist wear and corrosion.
The cushions are inflated with air at low pressure to provide insulation and to resist wear caused by wind.