Since many such private arrangements work well now for those with the means, it is clearly inconsistent to resist their expansion without careful thought.
It was not possible to resist without immediate disaster, for the Horse backed them up with his laser.
Training or natural talent has turned his native drawl into a weapon I expect few women could resist without effort.
He was charged with resisting an officer without violence, a misdemeanor.
There is naught that you can do, other than to resist, with hope or without it.
This crime led to his serving probation for resisting an officer without violence.
But they felt more freedom to resist these pressures without consequences, the report said.
No lycanthrope has shown the ability to resist this level of power without assistance.
But it can also resist without enormous political risk.
"We resisted the past three years without much indication on Mark's part that he was going be able to do it."