Introduction Infections with resistant organisms represent a serious menace in critically ill patients.
Pesticides that fail to break down quickly and remain in the area contribute to selection for resistant organisms even after they are no longer being applied.
Often, mutation in only a single gene leads to the evolution of a resistant organism.
Recently, however, vancomycin resistant organisms are becoming common.
It was precisely this type of practice that has led to the proliferation of antibiotic- resistant organisms.
However, a system to rapidly detect and report resistant organisms in individual patients should be in place to ensure a rapid response by caregivers.
These black yeasts are believed to be the most resistant eukaryotic organisms known to-date.
And doctors, nurses and other hospital workers may transmit resistant organisms to patients.
The resistant organisms can spread to other patients in hospitals.
It has been demonstrated in an in vitro model to have a low potential for selection of resistant organisms.