To be sure, she [118] regretted her neglect of Jonas, but her resolute character kept her from wasting time in such re grets.
Nnarambia citizens are known for their resolute character, creativity, and hospitality.
Nobody whose appointment depends upon agreement between many groups with conflicting interests is likely to be a resolute character.
The name 'Stavast' is Dutch for "Stand firmly", but is also used to describe someone with a resolute character.
She was described as a woman of resolute character in managing political and religious conflicts both within and outside the confines of her monastery.
Sir Walter, however, was of a more resolute character.
Yet, beneath the surface, there was the making of a manly man, a resolute, sturdy character of whom great things might be expected in the not far distant future.
Unprofor's commander, Lieut. Gen. Rupert Smith of Britain, is a resolute character.
He was startled by the act itself certainly, and quite as much too by the palpably resolute character of this movement.
She thought it could scarcely escape him to feel that a persuadable temper might sometimes be as much in favour of happiness as a very resolute character.