The resolution decided that, from 15 April 1992, all Member States should:
The resolution of the case, which was critical to restoring the city's credit rating, entailed the awarding of 15,000 judgments and deciding how much interest the city must pay.
The resolution further decided that MONUSCO could provide support to local, provincial and national elections where requested by the Congolese authorities.
The resolution reaffirmed a call for Arabs to impose economic sanctions on Syria and decided on ending diplomatic cooperation with Damascus.
The resolution approved today "demands" that Iraq withdraw unconditionally from Kuwait but decides to allow it "one final opportunity" to do so "as a pause of good will."
The resolution decided to begin the creation a list of officials to whom the travel ban would apply if the measures were implemented.
The resolution decided that UNOCI would comprise a total of 8,650, which included 7,392 military and 1,250 police personnel.
In case of a conflict with any other state, he would agree the resolution decided upon by the British.
The final resolution of this controversy in 1997 also decided the names of elements 107 to 109.
Firstly, because the three large groups decided to produce a joint resolution, which they submitted six minutes before the deadline, thus preventing the other groups from tabling any amendments to it.