They were able to resolve objects as wide as one wave of green light.
It is hoped that the mirror can resolve objects so well that theoretically it could pick out the writing on a dime 100 miles away.
The telescope's visible-light camera took a 10-day-long exposure, long enough to resolve objects at then-record distances.
Each building is 10 meters in diameter, just at the limit of the SPOT satellite's power to resolve objects on the ground.
The Intelligencers' cameras were too small to resolve large objects at this range.
The Airy disk can be an important parameter in limiting the ability of an imaging system to resolve closely located objects.
The electrons of the em have an even shorter wavelength so they can resolve objects that are much smaller.
High Spatial resolution imagery can resolve individual objects such as man- made structures and even individual large trees.
The former could resolve objects down to the size of a cigarette pack.
The result would be an imaging system that would resolve smaller objects.