Mr. Barthelme's most resonant stories end with such unresolved questions, or with images that will not allow themselves to be explained.
McGrath sets these psychologically resonant stories in three different periods: the American Revolution, the mid-19th century and a few weeks after Sept. 11, 2001.
"Manages, as the best docs will, to tell a resonant, character-driven story that makes us think, all the while laughing and cringing."
Scorsese has put his dedication to film history at the center of an emotionally resonant story: the boy needs a family; the old man needs his past restored.
Amid the peaceful, rapturous purity of the Mongolian steppes, Xie Fei's lovely new film tells a simple and resonant story.
In some ways, Ms. Maclean is doggedly faithful to her source, a slim volume of resonant, anecdotal stories by Denis Johnson.
It's a fascinating and psychologically resonant story about the daughter of a famous mathematician who keeps secret her own genius for mathematics.
It is "a remarkably resonant and haunting story," David Haward Bain wrote in the Book Review in 1995.
"It is always a resonant story," she said.
It is a testament to Holleran's extraordinary skill that out of such mundane details he has assembled a story resonant with the tragedies of three American centuries.