But behind the bunting and the resounding applause, many were careful to distinguish between the President's policies and his personal conduct.
Then, to resounding applause, he vowed to take action to lower the prices of rice and fuel.
Indeed, she had - and the sentence provoked resounding applause.
As appealing and startling as the decor was, the food inspired the most resounding applause.
Besides, the audience had broken into a resounding applause.
Each competitor received such resounding, sustained applause that the moderator had to call it a draw.
Beyond the determination and resounding applause, however, lay trepidation at the prospect of a final clash with the nation's head.
The demo ended to resounding applause from the journalists in the briefing room.
That met with "resounding applause" from the delegates.
"Your schools should not be blown up," he said to resounding applause.