A resounding majority of the sizable Israeli-Arab community, in particular, sat out the race to express their profound alienation from the Jewish establishment of Israel.
The Senate's bill, approved by a resounding bipartisan majority of 91 to 8 in early July, is smaller - $123 billion - and infinitely more sensible.
A total of 48 seats are up for grabs in the April vote - not enough to threaten the resounding majority held by the ruling party.
On 4 March 1980, the elections resulted in a resounding majority for Mugabe and ZANU.
In February 1875 Kenealy fought a parliamentary by-election for Stoke-upon-Trent as "The People's Candidate", and won with a resounding majority.
Now, as approved by a resounding 71 to 27 majority, its final details are even worse.
And never in my wildest dream did we imagine that Labour would get in with the resounding majority that they did get in.
The Commission will hopefully welcome these constructive suggestions, which I am sure Parliament will adopt by a resounding majority.
I welcome the adoption by a resounding majority of the report on the European Protection Order.
I welcome the adoption of the resolution on the review of the 'Small Business Act' with a resounding majority of the European Parliament.