Everyone expects the results to be a resounding thumbs down, partly because the Police Department has had problems in delivering service, but also because the referendum is an opportunity for voters to express their frustration about government in general.
Ask the people across the water on the Isle of Wight what they think of metered water, a resounding thumbs, thumbs down I can assure you of that.
"You've got to remember that if opening your wallet and plopping down greenbacks is a final commitment," he said, "then it's the last word in giving something like graffiti a resounding thumbs up."
A resounding thumbs up has been given to our police officers by staff at AEA and British Nuclear Fuels following a detailed customer opinion survey.
"Newer Older" Jose Pekerman takes Colombia back to the future 4:32pm on 16 Jan 2012 Ask anyone from Scotland about a foreign International Manager/Coach and you will get a resounding thumbs down.
At 16:32 16th Jan 2012, stevio10 wrote: Ask anyone from Scotland about a foreign International Manager/Coach and you will get a resounding thumbs down.