Most Germans thought the Treaty of Versailles was a punishing and degrading document, because it forced them to surrender resource-rich areas and pay massive amounts of compensation.
Once the water and resources around the village were depleted, the band would relocate to a more resource-rich area.
Germany had a high population density, whereas the old colonial powers had a much lower density, a virtual mandate for German expansion into resource-rich areas.
A resource-rich area and a natural avenue for seasonal movement, Brisbane was a way station for groups traveling to ceremonies and spectacles.
All humans presumably did so too, until improved technology for extracting food allowed some hunter-gatherers to settle in permanent dwellings in some resource-rich areas.
Soaring income from commodities exports is proving to be a double-edged sword for Australia's economy, channeling new wealth into resource-rich areas of the country, while putting upward pressure on prices.
The unrest adds to the pressures on General Musharraf as he grapples with a simmering conflict in Baluchistan Province, a resource-rich area where nationalists have attacked government installations and workers.
The Indus Valley Civilization, situated in a resource-rich area, is notable for its early application of city planning and sanitation technologies.
He should also establish a program to compensate landowners in natural resource-rich areas who give up their land's development rights or transfer those rights to an area that is already developed and has the capacity for more growth.