She is a knowledgeable and resourceful girl, with a serious, cool personality.
But she is a resourceful girl, your Caroline.
A 16-year old Alicia Silverstone starred in the video as a resourceful girl who got even with her unfaithful boyfriend.
The resourceful girls use the telephone to call their brother who has returned to town.
But since you are a brave and resourceful girl, you might wish to consider something else.
She's a resourceful girl, and, as she's always telling me, the adults don't take her seriously.
(A scene involving resourceful call girls and a lifeline made of lingerie is particularly impressive.)
Although the proud and resourceful girl seemed to have little need of him, Fyodor did not like the idea of her being alone at such a time.
She is a resourceful girl and far too independent.
-I could see what a resourceful girl you were even then.