She has a resourceful technique, and her tone is special: vibrant but slightly dark in color, almost plaintive.
"His powerful hands and resourceful technique are directed by a long-sighted view that encompassed the whole work."
She was admired for her resourceful technique, inspired musicianship and intelligence.
He has a resourceful but not virtuosic technique.
His resourceful technique seems to originate less from his fingers than from hand and arm movements.
(I wish he had explained that resourceful technique in his story.)
He is a sensitive artist with a resourceful technique and keen intelligence, best known as an interpreter of the 19th-century European masters.
But she brings resourceful technique, taste, style and temperament to her playing.
Given this degree of exposure, it is easy to forget that he still has one of the most resourceful vocal techniques in opera.
Mr. Kasik plays with a resourceful technique, fluidity, a keen sense of color and intelligence.