These resident trout are known to grow to respectable sizes, with 20+ inch fish being caught throughout the year.
Taken as a whole, the three bigger areas are each of respectable size, but not huge by North American standards.
But some time later, when he reached another river of more than respectable size, he hesitated.
The pile in the center of the armory floor was getting to a respectable size.
The office was a respectable size with a double window.
This time it hit the chickens, which had appeared to be doing well and were already of respectable size.
A 10,000-square-foot home is considered a respectable size, and many are larger.
My fire grew to quite a respectable size.
A crowd of respectable size gathered in a few moments, all still pale and shaken, but coming back to the building which was their refuge.
Satisfied, I returned, to build the fire to a respectable size.