Later she joined Jimmy Nederlander as a business partner) and established herself as a respected producer of critically acclaimed and financially successful works.
The Weinsteins are not only two of the most dynamic and respected producers in the film business, but also two of the most unpredictable.
Wicks became a respected producer and songwriter in addition to his work as a solo artist.
Ten of the tracks were produced by respected American producers Troy Johnson, Ian Boxhill and Bryson Evans.
One of the most respected producers of cassis in Dijon - which now number only six - is the firm of Boudier, founded in 1874.
He's a respected producer, he's worked with Tiësto on a few tracks, perhaps that's where the link is.
Unlike many respected producers who are involved throughout a movie's development, most producers are hit-and-run artists.
Mentorn and Folio, the main factual brands, are amongst the longest established and respected independent producers in the UK.
Clive Langer and Ian Broudie are two of the most respected producers in the business.
He would become one of the most respected producers in the industry, but never had any tangible connection to MGM.