Both schools host a number of activities on their respective campuses during the week to promote school spirit.
The building is among the most recognizable on the respective campus.
The students finished out the school year at their respective campuses.
FarmHouse chapters are active within the Greek communities on their respective campuses.
Several of the older chapters that separated in the 1910s have survived as independent entities on their respective campuses, (Berkeley, etc.).
The campus foundations seek to create a welcoming environment for Jewish students on their respective campuses.
The three liberal arts colleges facilitate transportation between their respective campuses with free shuttle services.
Each of the college libraries primarily house materials suitable for the programs taught at their respective campuses.
The twins paraded each other through their respective campuses, and to their part-time jobs.
The faculty includes some 200 scientists with doctoral degrees, many of whom also have appointments as teaching faculty on their respective campuses.