In a reversal of roles, several players came in to hold their respective coaches back.
The contestants get to choose their own songs in this round, although they continue to get help and advice from their respective coaches.
As such, these seasons did not feature their respective coaches in competition.
In each case, the player's respective coach has walked a thin line between keeping his star's fires burning and getting him to be less searing.
Seldom has the award drawn such interest, to the point where the respective coaches have openly campaigned for their players.
Each team of artists is mentored and developed by its respective coach.
However, while they drank their respective coaches showed them videos in order to rectify the shortcomings of the first half.
The second stage, 'Battle phase', is where two artists are mentored and then developed by their respective coach.
The other varsity teams and their respective coaches are listed below.
The junior varsity sports and the respective coaches for each are listed below.