In July, both the Labor Party and the Committee of 48 assembled their respective conventions in Chicago.
Also nominated at their respective conventions for district attorney were the incumbent Jeanine Pirro, a Republican, and Joanne Naughton, a former police detective, a Democrat.
At their respective conventions, the two major parties also endorsed Family Court and County Court judges.
Even though only about a fourth of the ILO members have ratified the respective convention, this age limit is generally accepted.
Both provisions aim at excluding consumers' transactions from the scope of application of the respective conventions.
The major political parties officially vote for their presidential candidate at their respective nominating conventions, usually all held in the summer before the federal election.
The proposal will meet the theology/doctrine commissions of each church body, and if passed, will be presented at their respective national conventions.
Then just make the browser and spatial windows behave according to the rules of their respective well-established conventions.
The 2010 gubernatorial election saw an exceptionally large field of candidates seeking endorsement from each party's respective convention.
In 1880 he was elected the 31st Lieutenant-Governor, and in 1882 was elected Governor, having been nominated to each office the unanimous vote of the respective Republican conventions.