For years afterwards vessels of both nations continued to fly their respective 'flags', the royal proclamation notwithstanding.
The event was celebrated by American and British ships, their mastheads being dressed with the respective national flags and the Tycoon's flag at the main.
Regions and structures within their borders that actually manufacture the units are captured by moving troops to their respective flags.
The team's logo incorporates the Canadian maple leaf and the Iroquois Five Nations belt pattern taken from each respective flag.
The three referees vote for victor by each raising one of their respective flags simultaneously.
In "Capture the Flag", two teams attempt to capture each other's flag and bring it back to their respective flags.
Around the mosque, representatives from militant groups, including Fatah and Islamic Jihad, gathered under their respective flags.
On the other hand, when the award is imposed on a military unit to be displayed at their respective flag or banner.
During the 2010 FIFA World Cup many fans were seen wearing shutter shades with the design of their respective flag pictured on the glasses.
Before authorising a ship to fly their respective flag, Member States have to check that it complies with international rules.