Members often, but do not necessarily, wear the cassock whilst engaged in their respective ministries, as this may be deemed unsuitable.
In 1997, the two countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) institutionalizing the bilateral political dialogue between the respective foreign ministries.
Below is the list of priests who chair the respective diocesan ministries or commissions.
A few of the largest enterprises were under the direct authority of their respective ministries in the central government.
Less important matters are decided within the respective ministries.
Most of the appointment process is conducted at the respective ministry: The Office of the President does not process preparations or presentations of the appointment.
The King appoints ministers to his cabinet who supervise their respective ministries in his name.
Most of the departments created after Independence functioned under the Cabinet Secretariat, and were later on shifted to the respective ministries.
The form can be collected from IUT office or the respective ministry as well.
The Riksting became an advisory body while the Førerting (Fører Council) and parliamentary chambers were now to be independent bodies subordinate to their respective ministries.