The respective opponent can try to alter his or her playing style to purposely change the intensity of the feedback.
Their nine-darters didn't help them progress in the tournaments, as they lost against their respective opponents 6-3 and 6-2.
Both games were close early before their respective opponents went on an offensive surge to break the game open late.
In two separate runs he lost to his respective direct opponents.
To create distracting manner or noise or shout at respective opponent.
The games were (and to an extent still are) marked by a passionate fan following and a hatred for the respective opponent.
The first round began with both boxers circling around the ring, studying their respective opponent.
The other members of Team Korea then follow suit, awarding their medals to their respective American opponents.
Two matches saw the biggest win of the round: both Royal Engineers and Wanderers beat their respective opponents 5-0.
Both teams advanced to the 5-yard line of their respective opponent in the third quarter, but both were kept out of the end zone.