Not an ambassador flinched, nor were there any guarded whispers to their respective staffs.
"Our respective staffs have been working overtime on this problem, and we've all come up with the same conclusion: we don't need the military anymore."
The commandants and their respective staffs had been quibbling most of the day, having only reached one minor agreement.
Admiral King entertained members of the respective staffs at a luncheon in his cabin.
It is composed of all member Student Body Presidents and their respective staffs from the participating state universities.
The man looked in one direction and the woman in another, toward their respective staffs.
And now, let us turn matters over to our respective staffs, to work out the details.
There was some uproar in the section of passageway where the Admirals and their respective staffs were quartered.
Only a few years ago, these were multimillion-dollar stars, the gems of their respective staffs.
Troi took her station to the left of the center seat, and immediately began coordinating with Keru the support/rescue efforts of their respective staffs.