Specific numbers of Miles and Skills trigger their respective tables' rounds.
The 2009/2010 season was again widely successful for all three Bears squads, who each finished in second place in their respective tables.
"We'll begin," the judge said, and made a little shooing gesture that sent the lawyers back to their respective tables.
"Step back," the judge said finally, and the two attorneys stood near their respective tables.
Even single people chat across the room while sitting alone at their respective tables.
Differences between the German and English editions can be seen from a comparison of their respective tables of contents.
I left the four bodies on their respective tables and made my way back to the stairwell.
It was so utterly a Beatrice moment: everyone seated at his respective table, no one minding his own business.
When two or more of their lighthuggers met, they would compare and update their respective nomenclature tables.
Counsel passed on up the aisle, through the bar, and to their respective tables.