The phase angles were then compared with the phases of the R peak within the respiratory cycle.
N.B. P and change constantly during the respiratory cycle.
Wheezes occupy different portions of the respiratory cycle depending on the site of airway obstruction and its nature.
The great variation in insect respiratory cycles can largely be explained by differences in spiracle function, body size and metabolic rate.
These respiratory changes are important, particularly during mechanical ventilation, and Q should therefore be measured at a defined phase of the respiratory cycle, usually end-expiration.
The maneuver can be done at any time during the respiratory cycle and it does not inhibit venous return to the heart.
Further, odor-evoked oscillations (including an exhaled puff from a pipe), were amplified along with the respiratory cycle.
Nikethamide is a stimulant which mainly affects the respiratory cycle.
During normal inspiration in a human's respiratory cycle, intrapleural pressure decreases, triggering an expansion of the alveoli.
Operator skill is required to disregard this movement, along with judging shift during the respiratory cycle.