It provides legal advice, financial planning and help in paying for "respite service" - someone to come in and give Ms. Zieris a little time to herself.
Redwood Memorial Hospital is a community hospital in Rhymney which has twenty-one General Practitioner beds, two of which are used to provide a respite service.
If your disabled children's respite services have been cut, if you are not getting what the law says you ought to get, don't strugle alone against this.
Take advantage of respite services, home care nurses or aides, or adult day care.
The family receives money from the agency, manages the funds, and decides who will provide respite services and for how long.
Philippa Russell explores the range of respite services needed and some of the practical problems described in studies of service provision.
Considerable expansion in respite services which offer breaks.
Maplehome provides respite for adults with learning difficulties, while Fernleigh is a respite service for adults with mental health problems.
It is also funded by a state grant to provide respite services both in and out of the home.
Many circumstances are made intolerable as it is for lack of sufficient respite services.