I believe Martie is going to respond brilliantly to therapy, I really do.
The company responded brilliantly to the challenge, understanding its style and meeting its technical demands with elan.
She won on a heavy track by one length, and for the second straight time she won by responding brilliantly to adverse conditions.
And the flutist responded brilliantly.
The dark, rich meat also responds brilliantly to the strong equatorial flavors often associated with grilling.
In a quartet in which the cellist must often take the lead, he responded brilliantly.
But even if City Hall were responding brilliantly to the gloom, there are no quick fixes.
He responded brilliantly, with simple patterns and clean lines, emulating Wright's fondness for earth tones.
In each work you sense Verdi the ingenious musical dramatist responding brilliantly to individual characters and situations.
Even ceanothus, which has a reputation for being allergic to the saw when it starts to get a bit long in the tooth, does sometimes respond brilliantly.