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America's people and its government are responding decisively to the challenges of our changed world.
We urge the bishops to respond to this tragedy decisively, pastorally, and immediately.
We urge them to respond swiftly and decisively with diplomatic pressure to enforce this agreement, with the support of the international community.
But if it is work in which we can join, the question needs to be asked: will we respond decisively?
Thus, we were left with little choice but to respond decisively.
Even with it down, we dare not move," Prime responded decisively.
Italy also has a weak coalition government which would "limit the government's ability to respond decisively" to events.
We had better be prepared to respond fast and decisively.
Our allies and our former adversaries have already begun to respond decisively.
We must be able to respond decisively to these unfortunate events and help the people who are caught up in them.