The players responded magnificently and put in a performance which gained an important 2-0 win to finish Fairclough's reign on a high.
Guaranteed prices for farmers were introduced and they responded magnificently.
The subsequent report on the incident showed that the company, its staff and workers responded magnificently in the difficult circumstances.
They knew what was expected and responded magnificently.
The most recent was for Somalia, and you responded magnificently, helping to raise over five million pounds for relief work.
'But I've got to know him well now, and he is responding magnificently.'
The star was responding magnificently to having the fireworks and lasers running, however unexpectedly.
We asked a lot of the bowlers and they responded magnificently well.
He drove very fast, his foot hard against the boards and the jeep responded magnificently.
Keith Richardson says that the team responded magnificently to win.and it was a very welcome victory.