Are speculators overreacting, or are they responding sensibly to global energy pressures?
When they do understand, they often respond sensibly.
They are also responding sensibly, if selectively, to the changing role of rooms and of occupants as more than clients.
Mac responded sensibly, "It has been, by my calculations, fully twelve hours since the cat last slept.
I must do my best to respond sensibly.
We hope that North Korea's next surprise is to respond equally sensibly and cancel whatever plans it has for such a self-destructive move.
I can't see them responding sensibly.
If the corps follows through on its proposals, the United States will once again miss an opportunity to respond sensibly to the threat of global warming.
He was dazed and slow-spoken, responding to questions ploddingly and not always sensibly.
Does it matter whether stocks respond sensibly to economic signals?