It responded sluggishly, and in order to complete the turn, he had to cover several extra miles on that leg of the trip.
He fought to bring his brain into gear, but its cells responded sluggishly.
The defenses of her body, weakened by hunger and exposure, responded only sluggishly.
The enemy responds sluggishly, twisting away, dragging me with it.
When he pulled on the control stick it responded sluggishly.
The car was responding too sluggishly, though Charlie pressed the accelerator all the way to the floor.
The portal was so heavy it responded sluggishly to his attack, opening only halfway.
Ringstorff knew he needed to act immediately, but his brain and nervous system were still responding sluggishly.
Because of certain incentives and disincentives, they often respond sluggishly to new information.
At first the boat responded sluggishly and was difficult to propel.