The media responded to Export's provocative work with panic and fear, one newspaper aligning her to a witch.
The people were responding to a good summer's work.
Not that she was an intellectual or anything, but she responded to his work.
He also questioned the need to respond to Said's work with such research, as Said was "more of a political militant than a scholar".
She responded to them, even when she did not always respond to their work.
These doubts were unjustified because the Community's institutions and bodies have responded properly to the Ombudsman's work.
Mr President, I would like to express my thanks to the Commission for responding so quickly to our own quick work.
Someone who does not have this ambivalence can only respond to their work up to a point.
When asked in an interview how he responded to this word in relation to his work, Merrill said, "With a shrug."