Not quite sure how to take Senator Clinton's compliment, General Casey responded wryly, "I'm going to have to think about that for a minute."
Heffernan responded wryly to his manager's billing.
"I can assure you that the presumptuous beast quite fancies himself to be human from the way the entire household dotes on him," Gideon responded wryly.
Great reporting," to which Mr. Kahn wryly responds, "Both of me thank you.
Ms. Thompson wryly responds with a knowing smile.
"No, this is the Great Theater of Life," his narrator wryly responds to a confused caller who had thought he dialed the local movie house.
"A lot of false trails left by a very intelligent Troll," Menion responded wryly.
"You don't look so bad yourself, old-timer," she responded wryly.
"Yeah, but we won't," Henny responded wryly.
Mr. Sulkhanishvili wryly responded, "Of course, it is a great honor that I am the first to be asked to answer a question of this nature."