Sometimes the impassioned respondents agree with what has been written and wish merely to add their own gloss to the commentary.
Aside from serendipity and team management, these conclusions closely resembled the qualities my respondents agreed were visionary.
While respondents agreed that voters had little influence over either party's choice, they had different explanations of who made the Republican and Democratic decisions.
The Bogdanovs quickly became a popular discussion topic, with most respondents agreeing that the papers were flawed.
As for evolution, almost half the respondents agreed that the theory "is far from being proven scientifically."
The respondent agrees because the requester has lowered his/her request, making a concession to the respondent.
The respondent then experiences the social obligation to make a concession in kind back to the requester, and thus agrees to the second, lower request.
Most respondents agreed that they should give more time and money than they actually do.
The respondents agreed to buy a van on the basis that the price could be paid "on hire purchase terms over a period of two years".
Even respondents agree that "the true speaker in Rust was not the government, but a doctor."