You can also click on links to the city's more detailed accounting of the survey results, including how respondents answered specific questions.
When asked why they watched less news than they used to, respondents to the survey most often answered "no time/too busy."
In a sign of its complexity, the draft spans 298 pages and asks respondents to answer more than 1,300 questions.
You cannot, however, conclude what the average respondent answered.
A biased question or questionnaire encourages respondents to answer one way rather than another.
Open-ended questions are those that allow respondents to answer in their own words.
For example, they show how respondents answered questions on occupation, place of work, and so forth.
The stem ends with a lead-in question explaining how the respondent must answer.
This is a question to which many respondents do not answer truthfully, since few people like to admit to racial prejudice.
In addition, the respondent can answer the questions as they apply to a significant other.